Community Energy Aggregation

What is Community Energy Aggregation?

From a Massachusetts community? Please read the Massachusetts electricity aggregation page for important disclosures regarding no guarantee of savings and other program details. 

Community Energy Aggregation is spreading across the country, saving households and businesses just like yours millions of dollars.

Nearly two decades ago, Good Energy pioneered aggressive energy-procurement strategies, leading to today’s community energy-aggregation initiatives that enable governments and residents to pool energy buying for lower electric rates. Today, Good Energy serves more communities and residents than any other energy consultant. With more than 200 Community Energy Aggregation programs representing more than one million households, Good Energy manages energy procurement for 1 percent of the U.S. population.

In addition to rate savings, these programs help communities reduce greenhouse gas, provide opportunities for new revenue, assist with utility reform and create jobs.

Each state manages Community Energy Aggregation programs differently. Find out how Good Energy is helping your community save money, go green and plan for the future.

If your state isn’t among those already saving money with Good Energy, you can find out more about the progress of Community Energy Aggregation programs near you.